Systematic generation of virtual networks for water supply
M. Möderl*, R. Sitzenfrei*, T. Fetz** and W. Rauch*
* Unit of
Environmental Engineering, University of Innsbruck, Technikerstr. 13, 6020
Innsbruck, Austria
** Unit of Engineering Mathematics, University
of Innsbruck, Technikerstr. 13, 6020 Innsbruck, Austira
Building theories from case studies is a common research approach that applies also for the analysis of networks. Although case studies set up the bridge between theory and practice they still are investigations of a) low quantity and b) of specific circumstances. Reason is that data collection and the model building process as basis for a case study research are a tedious task. Thus, the number of available case studies for research of water supply networks is restricted. To tackle this problem the graph theory based Modular Design System (MDS) is applied to generate a multitude of networks with diverging properties. The application of the MDS outlines generating a set of 2,280 virtual Water Supply Systems (WSSs). The different properties (e.g. number of sources) of the WSSs results from the generation process considering varying boundary conditions. Set characteristics are described by scatter plots, density and cumulative distribution functions of the network parameters as the hydraulic and water quality performance of WSSs are strongly influenced by such properties.
Keywords: Case Study Research, Generation Process, Graph Theory, Modular Design System
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